Thursday, September 08, 2005

Random Drawing 4

Koi coming up for a feeding.

Technique: First I drew a single fish with a pencil and then outlined with a fine point sharpie marker. I scanned the image into Photoshop and added color. I duplicated the fish & changed colors. I added a background and bubbles with Photoshop. I duplicated layers and played with opacity. I worked with the following filters: noise, blur and radial blur.


Owen said...

These are great drawings! I cannot draw to save my life so it's always nice to see someone who really can. I'll definitely be back to check this out again!

Joanne said...

Thanks so much! I'm really trying.

Kim said...

You are so talented!

Joanne said...

Thanks Indigo. Although I do have a degree in art. I should be able to do this stuff.