Monday, October 31, 2005

Illustration Friday "Broken"

This was a fun little drawing I whipped up in about an hour, hour and a half. I like all the textures and colors but dislike her really disproportionate arm. It fits in with the animated expression but it is too distorted. If I have time, I'll have to go in and try to fix it.


Tony Sarrecchia said...

I like it--looks good.

Catnapping said...

i think it fits nicely. I like her face, too.

Corrine said...

nice illustration!

Unknown said...

Fun expressive illo!

The Unknown said...

Great illo.

Linda said...

I wouldn't change a thing. i like how you used texture on the dress

Todd DeWolf said...

Hope those jewels were not too expensive! Well done.

Kim said...

qShould my novel ever need to be illustrated, I know who to call. :-)

Excellent points yesterday regarding my writing. I can't go back and edit at this point, due to time restraints, but if I have time on Nov. 29-30th I'm going to. Thanks! I really appreciate it.

Jaimie said...

I think it's fine just the way it is. Some famous artist (can't remember who) when told by a critic the subject of his painting's arm didn't look like an arm, he said something like, well it's not an arm, it's a painting. or something like that!! I probably got it all skewed but I hope you get the idea.